Web-based training by StataCorp. Web-based training provides a more in-depth background in the topic of interest, but can be more expensive than NetCourses.Includes advanced topics such as survival analysis and panel data techniques. NetCourses by StataCorp. These courses are inexpensive ways to learn Stata directly from the company offering the software (StataCorp).Statalist. Hosted at the Harvard School of Public Health, Statalist is an email listserver where over 5,100 Stata users from experts to neophytes maintain a lively dialogue about all things statistical and Stata.Hands on instruction in the analysis of survey data using Stata. South Africa Distance Learning Project.Carolina Population Center Stata Tutorial. Provides examples of syntax for managing and analyzing data in Stata.
This site has tutorials, examples, web books, annotated outputs, and best practices. UCLA’s Stata Website. A comprehensive site to help you learn and use Stata by the Institute for Digital Research and Education at UCLA.Goes over basic commands, data management, graphics and more advanced programming Princeton Stata Tutorial. A very good tutorial on Stata provided by Princeton university.